The only official EU logo for ecologic products. It means that both farmer, agents and roasting company are meeting strict EU requirements for organic food production. At all stages of production there is no use of plant protection products, artificial fertilisers, or any other chemicals. The BIO symbol guarantees consumers fully natural, ecologically clean products. This image guarantees that all participants in the coffee trade are meeting strict rules, and they are under a constant control of authorised certification bodies.
The FAIRTRADE label is a Certificate of Fair Trade. In the FAIRTRADE system, farmers obtain fair payment in return for the coffee they harvest. It guarantees stable incomes for the plantation workers and, therefore, proper conditions for them and their families. This certificate ensures that all participants of the coffee trade have met strict FAIRTRADE standards and have contributed to improve living conditions of the farmers who work on the coffee plantations.
The RAINFOREST ALLIANCE organisation works towards sustainable agriculture. It controls forest, water conservation, emissions of carbon dioxide and good agricultural cultivation practices in order to ensure ecological, social, and economic benefit for all societies linked to coffee production. It guarantees that employees are well-trained and they work in good conditions with proper sanitation, health care and housing. This certificate guarantees that coffee, marked with this label, meets all strict requirements set by the Rainforest Alliance organisation at all stages of production.
The UTZ certificate ensures that coffee comes from sustainable agricultural crops that guarantee farmers and their families fair value of payment and better living conditions. UTZ programme allows farmers to learn new cultivation methods, it improves working conditions, and also supports education of their children. UTZ helps farmers safeguard their environment and secure the natural resources for now and the future.